How to scale your tech startup fast

How to scale your tech startup fast

When it rains it pours, as they say, and task-loads seem to follow this trend as well. You’ve spent the past couple of years eating, breathing and sleeping this start-up and have made it to the growth phase. A huge accomplishment, no doubt, but it is certainly not time to get comfortable.

CEOs and CTO’s of tech startups often find themselves faced with a new set of challenges. In order to help navigate some of the pitfalls associated with this stage, flexibility is going to be a CTO’s best friend.

Right in that awkward stage

If you’ve ever gone from a super-short haircut to a longer style – you’ll be familiar with the awkward phase where it isn’t long enough to cut, but it isn’t looking good the way it is either. Tech startups go through a similar phase, and while we don’t offer any solutions for your hair, there are some fantastic ways to delegate workloads and ensure tasks are completed consistently, on time, and without breaking the budget.

The ideal team for the first research and development right up to traction is typically a smaller group who are each able to accomplish many tasks. When it comes time for the business to scale however, there is a point at which the workloads must be consolidated.

The problem that surfaces is at that point in which there is too much work to be accomplished by the same model from the early phases, but it is not consistent or constant enough (yet) to require a specialist. This is where flexible tech resources become an indispensable asset for tech team leaders who need to remain focused on higher level tasks.

The massive value of flexibility

A flexible model like the one offered by NerdCloud, allows CTO’s to scale and descale as needed in order to navigate through this delicate stage.

If you ever find yourself in the classic situation where your team is bogged down with critical tasks, meanwhile the client is concerned with minor UI issues, you will be glad you read this article. Once you’ve started the collaboration with NerdCloud, you can simply enter the issues into their task board, and they can have multiple developers work on them – 24/7 if need be.

Having a powerful team extension at this critical stage of growth is an ideal strategy that will allow you to make better decisions and ultimately perform better as a CTO. The business has been developed, but now it is time to be thinking about developing streamlined procedures.

Utilizing flexible tech resources allows you to keep your head above water and work on these higher-level tasks and do your job to develop the department, rather than grapple with varying workloads and find your team either completely bogged down and under-performing or worse – overstaffed and over budget, bogging down the company’s growth.

As situations changes and certain areas require more focus, you are able to adapt with a greater efficacy using a development resource like NerdCloud.

Cool, calm and collected

If you are looking to set your team up for success, don’t let them get swamped by secondary issues. Delegate the mud, and focus on the tasks that are going to maximize growth.

When your team is performing as they should, and clients or CEOs are happy, you not only look good as the head of the technology department – you feel a whole lot better too. NerdCloud is a lifesaver, give it a shot with no strings attached and watch your team drive growth.


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