How to navigate from static resources to elastic software development

Ottia suits many use cases in software teams' day-to-day challenges, from product updates, projects of various sizes and surges in demand.  

Have you considered an SDaaS solution for temporary needs?

You are a SaaS or technology company in the process of rapid growth, frequently introducing new features, integrating third-party solutions, and customizing services for a diverse customer base. While your core product development team manages long-term projects, you experience a recurring need for additional software development resources to address temporary yet critical initiatives.

These initiatives can arise from:

  • Client-specific feature requests for enterprise clients
  • Short-term projects for pilot programs or beta features
  • Seasonal surges in demand due to product launches or events
  • Regulatory compliance updates that require immediate changes

These initiatives can arise from:

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The Problem

Hiring full-time developers for every spike in demand is not cost-effective, nor does it align with long-term business needs. Additionally, these spikes are unpredictable, and resources are needed quickly to maintain project timelines and avoid revenue loss. This requires a flexible, scalable, and efficient way to meet these temporary development needs while ensuring high-quality code and timely delivery.

Key Stakeholders

  • Product Management: Defines feature requirements and deadlines for both long-term and temporary projects.
  • Engineering/Development Team: Manages core product development and must integrate short-term work into long-term roadmaps.
  • Operations: Needs to scale resources and ensure project deadlines are met.
  • Clients: Expect rapid delivery of custom features or modifications.

Proposed Solution

Implement a elastic resource strategy to address repeated temporary needs for software development. This strategy will include:

  1. Ottia’s scalable development service: A global reach ensures that a wide range of of development skills are available at senior level. Contracts are flexible and offer solutions for smaller and larger teams wanting to efficiently scale their development.
  2. Internal Project Pipeline Management: Utilizing agile project management techniques to efficiently assign resources, ensuring core team members can focus on long-term product development while temporary resources handle short-term needs.

Business Benefits

  1. Scalability: Rapidly increase or decrease the number of development hours (elasticity) according to project demands, reducing overhead and avoiding delays in core projects.
  2. Cost-Effectiveness: Rather than maintaining a large full-time team, the company can allocate budget toward Ottia only when needed, improving financial efficiency.
  3. Speed to Market: Leveraging Ottia allows for quicker completion of client requests, pilot programs, or urgent regulatory updates, maintaining client satisfaction and competitive positioning.
  4. Access to Specialized Skills: Ottia can bring in developers with niche technical expertise for specific tasks (e.g., machine learning, blockchain, etc.) without needing to train internal teams.
  5. Risk Mitigation: By employing Ottia for temporary development needs, the company can reduce the risk of project delays, ensuring that it meets client and regulatory deadlines.

Hiring full-time developers for every spike in demand is not cost-effective, nor does it align with long-term business needs.

Quality & Knowledge

  • Quality Control: Two-phase quality control, which is customisable and may include automated and manual testing
  • Knowledge Transfer: Our process includes steps to ensure proper knowledge transfer and focusing on tasks that require less business logic ensures that your team focuses on the value accruing work

Risk Mitigation

  • Ottia's Code Review Processes: Ottia has code review processes and promotes the use of CI/CD pipelines to maintain code quality and integration.
  • Ottia's Onboarding Protocols: Implement a streamlined onboarding process for temporary developers to familiarize them with the client’s codebase, tools, and standards.


Implementing a flexible approach to temporary software development needs will allow your team to scale resources on demand, reduce costs, and ensure faster time-to-market for client-specific and short-term projects. This approach aligns with sound growth strategies and helps maintain competitive advantage without compromising the quality or timelines of core development work.

Why settle for hiring consultants limited by their expertise?

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